
Photo Magic: 5. Watermark

Buttonizing, embossing and blending can be used to produce a watermark and embed it into another image.

Step 1
Step 2

Draw a selection rectangle to include the text and the drop shadow.

Select Effects / Buttonize from the menu.

Experiment with parameters for the desired effect. We used bevel size 30, opacity 44, brightness 56 in this example.

Select Image / Crop to selection from the menu.

We now have an image we can use as a watermark and we can proceed to embed it into another image.

Select Edit / Copy from the menu to place the image on the Clipboard. Blending effect combines your current selection with the image from the Clipboard.

Step 3

Draw a selection rectangle near the top left corner of the image. Select Image / Select to clipboard size from the menu. This will resize the selection rectangle to match the size of the image on the Clipboard.

Select Effects / Tile blend from the menu.

Experiment with parameters for the desired effect.