slice method (Array)

Applies to: Array Object, String Object

The slice method is used to get a section of an array.


arrayObj.slice(start, [end])

The slice method syntax:




Required. An Array object.


Required. The zero-based index of the beginning of the specified portion of arrayObj.


Optional. The zero-based index of the end of the specified portion of arrayObj.

Return Array

Returns a section of an array.


The slice method returns an Array object containing the specified portion of arrayObj.

The slice method copies up to, but not including, the element indicated by end. If negative, end indicates an offset from the end of arrayObj. In addition, it is not zero-based. If omitted, extraction continues to the end of arrayObj.

In the following example, all but the last element of myArray is copied into newArray:

a = new Array(1,2,3,4,5);
b = a.slice(2, 5)


If an object reference is copied from arrayObj to the result, the object reference in the result still points to the same object. Changes to that object are reflected in both arrays.

To run the code above, paste it into JavaScript Editor, and click the Execute button

See also: slice Method (String)