JavaScript tutorial:
parseInt method


Applies to: Global Object

The parseInt method is use to converted a string to an integer.


parseInt(numstring, [radix])

The parseInt method syntax has these parts:




Required. A string to convert into a number.


Optional. A value between 2 and 36 indicating the base of the number contained in numstring. If not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexidecimal and strings with a prefix of '0' are considered octal. All other strings are considered decimal.

Return value

Returns an integer converted from a string.


The parseInt method returns an integer value equal to the number contained in numstring. If no prefix of numstring can be successfully parsed into an integer, NaN (not a number) is returned.

document.write(parseInt("abc"));// Returns NaN.
document.write(parseInt("12abc"));// Returns 12.

You can test for NaN using the isNaN method.

   To run the code above, paste it into JavaScript Editor, and click the Execute button.

See also: isNaN Method, parseFloat Method, String Object, valueOf Method