How to Launch and Manage Your TV Channel
How to Monetize Your TV Channel
How to Produce the Content for Your TV Channel
Your Own TV Channel: the Opportunity
Dr Alex Davidovic
What has changed?
TV advertising in US: $71.1bn p.a.
1 in 10 UK women would rather divorce than give up TV (Daily Mail)
63% of married US women would rather read or watch TV than have sex (iVillage)
Time spent watching TV in US: 1,597h/pp/p.a.
Expected to grow by 20% per year to 192 million by 2018
Connected TV: 35% of the US population
Chosen to power Telstra Streaming Service
26 million viewers in US
Everybody Else: 5%
Second Wave: 10%
Early Adopters: 85%
3. Experts' Content
2. Your Own Content
1. Existing Creative Commons Videos
European Southern Observatory:
4. Creative Commons License
3. Make sure the video can be downloaded
2. Make sure the video is HD
1. Search for your topic
3. Infomercials
2. Subscription
1. Advertising
How to Monetize Your Channel
Ad-serving Providers
Our 1st Ad-revenue Report
... at the cost of a cup of coffee a day
Without technical hustles
Without the content-production crew
Platform to launch & manage your TV channel
... and we do the rest!
You supply the name of the channel, description, your logo...
Compiling and Packaging Your TV Application
Inspire.Vision Movers and Shakers
Complete training program
TV channel online management software
Your TV app compiled and packaged
$1,000 per month? $500? $300? ...
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